Assuming office is required, the following results were found.

  • OpenOffice / StarOffice macros

    OpenOffice / StarOffice macros So you've taken the plunge and installed StarOffice or OpenOffice and everything basically works; so far so good. Now Bob from Accounts wants to automatically send summaries of last month's sales to each of the department...

  • Office 2010 - well that's annoying

    The move from MS Office 2000 to MS Office 2010 has brought to my life a whole new set of reasons to be annoyed. One of the early ones is the behaviour of the 'Close' button in different applications. It really shouldn't be like this. Background Windows...

  • MS Access and 64-bit platforms

    which version you have (the current AMD64 chip set maximum is 256TB, but even I don't need that...) If you're installing MS Office, you get to pick which version of Office you want - 32 or 64-bit. The default and recommended option is the 32-bit...

  • A Taxonomy of Loss

    adverse consequences. These consequences include; lack of scalability, missing functionality and poor integration with office systems. Weak, or non-existent security is another common problem; a poorly secured network is an invitation to attack. One...

  • Let me at that HTML

    and no particular formatting (other than applying a border where the default is to omit one). Raw HTML MS Word [3] OpenOffice [4] Seamonkey composer Visually, the main difference is in the table width. The rawHTML and Seamonkey tables have no default...

Results 1 - 5 of 5