Assuming testing is required, the following results were found.

  • Cross-browser testing

    : Just when I thought I was done, someone with an older version of IE told me that they couldn't scroll vertically. Rats. Testing regimens Minimum testing At a minimum, test with Firefox, IE and Safari. Try really, really hard to get a tablet device of...

  • Testing tablet website layouts without an iPad

    operating systems; in practice, it's not usually feasible to have one of every device and device type available, so your testing options are limited. Fortunately, the desktop version of the Safari browser includes a feature to emulate another device...

  • Open Source

    A self-selecting group of volunteers whose contributions undergo rigourous peer-review. Employees assigned to the project. Testing Continuously by a large beta-tester population (open source projects typically have both 'stable' and 'beta' versions...

  • Strange characters just need the right font

    it might work fine, but it might go horribly wrong -you're on your own here. (I don't have access to an Apple computer for testing, so I can't comment on those). Browsers After installing the font, test some browsers and adjust as required. Firefox :...

  • Adventures in synchronisation volume 3 - Files and Stuff

    process identifies a folder or directory on the local and remote computers which should stay synchronised. There are two testing processes here: Modifications on the client computer. This tends to be a low-intensityprocess using either file system event...

  • Let me at that HTML

    source editors operating on the same file. Uses the same layout engine as Firefox, so you have a start on cross-browser testing. Has immediate HTML preview tab so you can see therendered result without having to save the file, switch to a browser and...

  • 3D content for web pages

    widespread implementation in browsers is new. This means that the level of support varies between browsers. In some quick testing, (February 2013) Firefox and Chrome has good support (display and full control), Safari and Opera had partial support...

  • Debugging Style Sheets with Firefox

    Things get messy when a site uses multiple stylesheets (that 'cascade') - tracking down exactly which file to change and testing that your changes will achieve the result you want can be tedious. The Firefox browser [1] has some built-in functions that...

  • Backup or move your Joomla site

    can use the built-in file links or any FTP program to transfer this file to another site for safe-keeping or restoration. Testing the backups Making a backup is only part of the process.Your backups are useless if you can't use them to restore your...

  • Reporting Bugs

    fully tested; in practice this is almost impossible. The number of different possible test cases quickly makes exhaustive testing impractical. This means that there will always bugs. To fix a bug, developers need to: Know about it. If no-one knows about...

  • A Taxonomy of Loss

    a false address or identity. Server logs can reveal an attack but are not sufficient to completely identify the attacker. Testingand Auditing Keys features of the security system can be tested to ensure that security policies are being observed and that...

  • Data crunching

    specific situation, you may need to include data from other systems or write the imported data directly into them (after testingof course). Sometimes the data has to go the other way - exported to a specific format that some other system requires. This...

Results 1 - 12 of 12