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Assuming browser is required, the following results were found.

  • Cross-browser testing

    Some nasty surprises await those who don't test a website design in multiple browsers. It's not enough to just make sure your site 'looks Ok' in Firefox and Internet Explorer; the recent explosion of tablet devices means that design flaws will be...

  • 3D content for web pages

    glasses. Sketchfab (and similar services) use the WebGL standard to integrate these display functions directly in the browser, simplifying the user experience and removing a number of obstacles for content creators. The increasing processing power of...

  • Google Analytics - no thanks

    this - are you loosing traffic because of this cookie requirement? As a viewer, the good news is that Google provide a browser add-on that (in theory) bypasses this requirement. Opting out This is as easy as installing the Opt-out Browser Add-on [3]:...

  • Testing tablet website layouts without an iPad

    In theory, websites 'should' be tested in multiple browsers across multiple operating systems; in practice, it's not usually feasible to have one of every device and device type available, so your testing options are limited. Fortunately, the desktop...

  • RSS for the rest of us

    icon like this on a web page, it indicates a feed of updated items that you might want to monitor. Unfortunately, your browser may handle these feeds in a way that I find is less-than-useful - I prefer to see feed items in my mail client rather than in...

  • Let me at that HTML

    with different content but the basic point is that word processors produce ugly HTML. Look upon your works and weep Most browsers and email programs have a 'View source' command that lets you see the raw HTML of the current page or message. This option...

  • Strange characters just need the right font

    users. Getting some help Actually just getting a font that includes the Unicode characters and (possibly) adjusting some browser settings. There are many free and commercial unicode fonts available, with a variety of coverage and styles. I chose the GNU...

  • RSS in Firefox - let's use Thunderbird instead

    from the dropdown (this process will add 'Thunderbird' to this list). You will see a 'Select Helper Application' file browser. You need to locate the Thunderbird executable for your operating system/version and 'Open' it (which just selects the...

  • Debugging Style Sheets with Firefox

    right, it can be tricky to establish exactly what's wrong and where to fix it. The Inspect Element tool in the Firefox browser can help. Many websites use cascading style sheets (css) to specify visual characteristics like fonts size and colour, text...

  • My cat is cloud-based

    because you may be restricted from using certain types of device (eg iPad but not Android tablets), or tied to one web browser (if you don't ask you might get a nasty surprise later). These questions really apply to any computing solution, but it’s all...

  • Beyond the Blackboard

    The student is the target consumer of your course content. They will typically interact with the on‑line through a web browser. They need to: Find the courses that meet their needs. This may require a course preview or summary that does not require any...

  • Privacy at Dropbear Consulting

    In these cases the cookies used are only used during your current browsing session and do not persist once you close your browser. Information use We will only collect information that is necessary for conducting our business. For example, we may use...

  • Open Source

    with a Linux oriented developer is to insist that your favourite database is better than theirs. [ www.mysql.com ]. Mozilla Browser, Email, Newsreader that runs on Linux and Windows and doesn't have nearly as many security holes as certain other...

  • OpenOffice / StarOffice macros

    does your web site appear to internet users? Interoperability Can everyone use your site or only those using your favourite browser, screen size etc. Usability Is your site difficult to navigate, difficult to use? Can people easily find what they are...

Results 1 - 15 of 15