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Assuming joomla is required, the following results were found.

  • Making the move to Joomla

    This site used to be static HTML pages but now uses the Joomla Content Management System (CMS); why the change? There are two different questions here: Why Content Management Systems? The short answer is that they makes life easier. Why Joomla? Because...

  • Convincing Joomla that an update exists

    The built-in update function introduced in Joomla 2.5 is a great leap forward in simplifying Joomla version maintenance and generally works just fine [1]. Except sometimes, when you know there's a newer version available, but the update checker remains...

  • Joomla tricks - submenu indicator

    The built-in menu module in Joomla 2.5 does not offer a way to indicate that a menu item has undisplayed sub-menus but with a little bit of PHP coding we can make it happen. The context of this problem is a menu displayed at the left of the main...

  • Backup or move your Joomla site

    Backups are a Good Thing, but making a usable backup of a database driven content (such as a Joomla site) is a bit tricky. You need a consistent copy of to both the source files and database tables - fortunately there are extensions that can help. To...

  • Make Joomla Weblinks open in a new tab

    If your Joomla site uses Weblinks and the Smart Search component, any search results that match weblinks will open the link in the current window, regardless of your weblinks configuration. You can fix this with a small template override. Weblinks...

  • System Implementation

    Joomla From the website ( www.joomla.org ) "Joomla is one of the world’s most popular open source CMS (content management systems). With millions of websites running on Joomla, the software is used by individuals, small & medium-sized businesses, and...

  • Joomla tricks - menu item without a menu

    There are some standard Joomla features that cannot be embedded in an article but require a separate menu item. Sometimes you want the content, but not for it to appear in your menu tree. What to do? You can create these items on a separate menu which...

  • Joomla tricks - Where am I?

    tree). Other uses You can put the same code in a Custom HTML module and display it anywhere. References http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/core-enhancements/coding-a-scripts-integration/custom-code-in-content/5051...

  • Configurable or Customisable - which is better?

    also evolve, so a major version change may still mess up your custom code, but it's less of a problem. For instance... Joomla is a good example; it provides a core code base which you generally don't touch an administration interface for configuration...

  • Moving out - changing web hosts

    questions and getting answers that weren't just correct, but were actually useful. The process Because most of my site uses Joomla!, the migration process was fairly simple. I can use Akeeba backup [2] to clone my site from one host to another, so the...

  • About us

    may have inappropriate content and similarly do not reflect my views. This incarnation of the web site is driven by the Joomla content management system. I tend to experiment with different features, so some elements may be a touch unstable.

  • Wikidpad - a structured notepad

    I was after. I was left with a solution in search of a problem. A Compelling use-case Having finally migrated my website to Joomla and started this blog, I needed somewhere to keep all my notes about potential and half-finished blog entries. For me,...

  • Comments as spam

    Comments on web pages can be an interesting and valuable channel for communication with your customers, but they can also be a source of polluting spam. Recently I've been getting quite a few almost real looking comments that are actually bait for...

  • Cross-browser testing

    website used static HTML pages with very simple site structure and styling, and so had few cross-browser issues. Moving to Joomla and adding some more interesting features, I expected to encounter some cross-browser issues, but I still made some...

Results 1 - 15 of 15